Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!

So on Saturday night my wonderful husband and brother in-law Mikey, planned a romantic date for Molly and I up at Mt. Charleston! It's only 30 minutes away from our house and it's the closest thing I can get to snow right now.. It was freezing and it was a blizzard outside but somehow that made it feel all the more like Christmas! I absolutely LOVED it! First, we went up to the old Lodge and sat by the fire as we ate our delicious meal and sipped hot chocolate. Then we went out to the deck and took some pics that didn't turn out so well do to the blizzard. (Did I also fail to mention that Cris LOVED the fact that it was a blizzard outside so he could FINALLY use our 4-wheel drive that he never gets to use since we live in the desert- hhm MEN!) After dinner, we went down to the big Lodge to sit by the fire and sip MORE hot chocolate. I felt like I was back in Utah at Park City! It was beautiful! We are hopefully going back up next week so Molly can take some maternity pics of me and Cris. I can't wait!!


  1. awww, Shayla you look so cute with your little belly! Not too much longer till you get to meet your little guy! Im so excited for you! :) Miss you girl!

  2. GOOD TIMES! Lets hurry up and take those pics in the snow!!!!

  3. Looks like fun! I love visiting the snow. I'm sure your pregnancy pics will turn out great!

  4. thanks shay! its such a big change its been hard for me to get use to but its alot healthier! you look so gorgeous prego your tiny little belly!
