Saturday, December 5, 2009

8 months and 4D ultrasound

So I am officially on the home stretch! I've entered my 8th month and now I can finally say I'm due next month when people ask me:)
I've seriously had the best pregnancy.. I'm going to be a little sad when it's all over, but on the other hand I'm so dang excited for little Ethan to get here!
Yesterday Cris and I went and had the 4D ultrasound done. Cris was a little skeptical of it at first, but me being the curious person I am, convinced him it would be fun to see what he looks like. So we went and it was AMAZING! I loved being able to see him stretch, blink, yawn and smile! It made it all so much more real to me. It's all felt like a dream so far. Seeing those chubby little cheeks and button nose just melted my heart! I already love this little guy sooo much and just can't get enough of him! We got a DVD of the whole session and I've watched it about 6 times! It's so crazy that we can see what our little guy looks like already! He definitely looks like Cris to me. Except for the lips and chin.. those are for sure mine! The first thing Cris said when we saw him was "Look at those Lips! They're huge!" And it's true.. he definitely has the cutest, most pouty lips ever! I just love them and can't wait to kiss them:) He also has a TON of hair! The tech said that his head is covered in it and it's LONG too!Now I can't wait for him to get here so we can really see what he looks like!
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  1. How fun! Ultrasounds are the greatest. You're so close to being having little Ethan! So exciting!! Being pregnant was awesome but actually having the baby is 100000x's better!! I can't wait to see pictures of the little guy.

  2. Wow Shayla he's so cute! You're right, he does have big lips :) But he looks awesome already. Aren't those ultrasounds cool? I remember a girlfriend of mine getting her 3-d ultrasound pictures like that and her little boy looks SO much like those pictures it's crazy!! Good luck with your new little boy :)

  3. Congrats! Such a cute 3d4d pic. ALl the best!
    3d scan

  4. I love them... I just spent the last couple minutes just staring at him... I can't wait til he comes!

  5. wow! amazing slide show! i cant wait to meet him in real life!!!!! i hope i'm makeing him his 1st girlfriend! lol! he's adorable!
