Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cris and I had the BEST Christmas ever! The best part of it all was he was actually HOME this year! Christmas Eve we went to his parent's house and had a delicious family meal, took some family pictures round the Christmas tree and then it was time for presents! And boy oh boy did we get spoiled! Ok well more like Ethan got spoiled... and he's not even here yet! It was so fun!

The next morning Cris woke up at 7 SO excited to open presents!

I wasn't so stoked
due to the fact that I thought I had guessed what Cris had gotten me, but I was totally wrong! He suprised me with this:

It's a Canon Rebel XS and I love it! I kept saying how I needed a better camera before Ethan got here so I could take all the cute pics I wanted and now I can! I don't know much about it yet, but I can't wait to find out. Cris is the best husband ever and I'm so lucky to have him!!!
I hope everyone had an AMAZING Christmas. Here' to the New Year!!


  1. how fun shay!!!!!!!!!!!thats so exciting! I cant wait to see picks of the little one!

  2. I am so excited for you guys to have your baby. He is going to be so handsome!! What a fun Christmas present, and you will love it! That is one thing I regret because we bought ours after Jackson was born and I missed all those cute first smiles... or should I say I got them on camera but they are blurry because the shutter speed was slow on our old one!

  3. Yay! Congratulations on the new camera. Jon and I have a Canon and we love it :) I hope you have a great new year and so much fun when baby Ethan arrives!

  4. What a cute husband! We got a camera right before our little one was born. BEST decision ever!! :) I can't wait to see lots of pictures of Ethan.

  5. Hey I changed my blog address to

    Sorry I didn't know it would cause broken links...

