Monday, January 25, 2010

Dear Ethan, where are you?!

My doctor's apt. last week was a little disappointing, yet AGAIN! My body has done absolutely NOTHING! So I'm going into the hospital today for a Contraction Stress Test...I guess what happens is I go in for 2 hours and they give me a mild dose of petocin to get some contractions started while they monitor me and the baby. If the baby gets stressed they will keep me there and induce me... if he does fine they send me home and hope that the petocin gets things going. Has anyone ever had one of these? My doctor is hoping it gets things started or else I'll go WAY over my due date! I was not excited to hear that! So I'm packing up my bag and hoping this little guy makes an appearance this week!! Wish me luck:)


  1. oh how exciting! cant wait to see that baby good luck!

  2. Oh good luck! That's so exciting that he's almost here!

  3. How great he is almost here!! I know the end is such a waiting game, but its all worth it in the end. Some how you forget about all the waiting!! Good Luck!!

  4. I was wondering about you and that sweet baby! Good luck and I'm so happy for you guys ;) Cris, I know how long you've been waiting for this!!

  5. Hey Shayla, I have had a regular Non stress test, but not like that. I did get induced with both of the girls. I think the only problem will be if your body isnt progressing on its own, 2 hours of PIT isnt going to do much! (without your water broken) but you never know! Im crossing my fingers for you!!!

  6. Im putting my money on wednesday! fo sho!

  7. Oh I hope he comes soon too!!! Hang in there!!!! We are so excited for you. And of course we miss you tons.
