Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blondes really do have more fun...

Last weekend my mom and little sister Seija came out to visit me. It was so good to see them! I don't get a whole lot of visitors out here so when I do I LOVE it:) So I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy hormones or what, but I've been needing a change... Seija's in hair school and with her being down for the weekend I'd thought I'd take advantage of her and make her dye my hair. Everyone, including my husband, thought it was a really great idea to do it all dark since I've been blond for so long. It took a little bit of convincing on their end, but I ended up giving in...

And oh dear! Not sure it was the best idea being 9 months pregnant, hormones raging and 30 pounds overweight... because I don't like it! Seij did a GREAT job, but I feel like it's not me! I guess cuz I've been blond for so long I can't imagine me with anything different...Oh well it's too late now! I keep telling myself it's good for me right now since my life is going to get a whole lot busier soon, I won't have the time to up keep it. It's a lot less maintenance so I guess I'll keep it for now. But let's be honest, Blonde's really do have more fun!

So as far as the baby update...

I'm 39 weeks this week and this little boy could come at any time! So we're just playing the waiting game:) I go into my doctor again tomorrow so I'm crossing my fingers that at least something is going on... but we'll see! Time has gone by SO FAST! Where have the last 9 months gone?? It feels like just yesterday that Cris and I found out we were going to be parents and now we will be any day now! It's just so exciting and we can't wait!!


  1. I think your hair looks great!! You look so cute with your belly! He will be here before you know it!! Good luck! I hope your labor is quick and easy! Cant wait to see him!

  2. Hurry up! I can't wait to play with the little guy!

  3. How exciting that your little baby is almost here! The dark is definitely a change and even though it's hard to tell far away, I'm sure it looks gorgeous with your eyes :) And just remember, you can always change it back!

  4. Shayla I am so jealous you are about to give birth!! Oh it's by far the most amazing thing you will ever do. I am so excited for you two. Good luck with everything! I hope he comes soon.

  5. HEy! Is he here yet?! If not I hope its soon and goes great!!

  6. I think you're crazy! You're hair looks so good! I kinda freaked out when I did that one time too, but it really does look amazing! Can't wait to see your boy!

  7. oh i love your brown hair, i know it's really weird to get used to at first but you might really like it :) good luck with the babe coming, i can't wait to see how handsome he is!
