Monday, May 31, 2010

Help from the mommy's please!!

So I'm pretty sure E has started teething and it is awfull! He is totally not himself! He's typically a very happy baby but has become really fussy throughout the day. He's drooling all over the place, tugging on his ears and chewing on everything he can get his hands on. But the frustrating part is I'd just finally gotten him to sleep through the night and now he's up every hour or 2! I feel SOO bad for him, I've tried just about everything. I have rubbed the soothing gel on his gums, gave him the teething tablets and have given him tylenol, but he's still unsettled. Does anyone have any ideas?? Is there something that you've tried that seems to work? Am I doing something wrong? And how long is this supposed to last? I hope not long for both our sake cuz this teething thing sucks!!


  1. If he is pulling on his ear he might have a ear infection i would call your pediatrician.

  2. I am not looking forward to that. Hopefully you can find something that will help.

  3. I agree with Chelsea that if he is pulling his ear he may have a ear infection, but he would probably be running a fever if he had one.Sometimes the extra fluid and pressure from the teeth can cause his ear to hurt without an infection. I would just keep a eye on him. If it gets worse take him to the pediatrician.
    When my kids were fussy and miserable I would give them thier tylenol and them give them a bath (they would usually scream). While they are in the bath throw his pajamas and blanket inside the dryer and let them get really nice and warm. Then when he gets out of the bath the tylenol should be starting to work and he will get nice and warm in his pajamas and blankey. It should calm him right down. The nurses in the NICU used to do this with the preemies to calm them down and it totally worked for me. I hope it works for you! Teething is NO fun!!!

  4. Oh no that sounds miserable! I hope he feels better soon :(
