Thursday, January 28, 2010


Ok so I'm STILL pregnant and STILL only dilated to a 1... My doctor has now given me the option of being induced on Saturday. I've been telling myself for the past 9 months I was not going to be induced if I didn't have too... After all, my body knows what to do and when to do it, so why go against nature, right? Well at this point having a baby in less than 2 days sounds pretty dang good to me!!
Cris and I have weighed all the PROS & CONS so let me just share a few:


1: Having him in a controlled environment (when we did the stress test on Monday he was NOT liking it... his heart rate dropped a couple times and freaked us out!)

2: Less wait time- we could have him here in 2 days instead of playing this waiting game and not having to rush to the hospital...although this is on the Cons side for Cris as well. He WANTS the adrenaline rush of fleeing to the hospital in the middle of the night. Crazy men.

3: My mom will be able to be here with me since she will have to catch a flight ahead of time. Otherwise she might not make it in time.

4: My doctor says Ethan is going to be a pretty big boy... if you've seen my hubby, you know why.:) He's also mentioned that his head is measuring 2 weeks BIGGER... um can you say OUCH?! So is it wrong of me to maybe want to get induced before he gets any bigger? That way if he's too big anyways I can have a C- section now instead of fighting the inevitable??

5: I could have my epi sooner hopefully before things get really intense

Pretty justifiable Pros don't you think??


1: I've heard being induced is a beast and makes everything a million times more painful.

2: I could be in labor a lot longer, he could become distressed and they'd have to take him by emergency C-section (Please note PROS #4)

3: Face it, my body may just not be ready yet

So obviously my PROS out-weigh my CONS at this point, but I'm still undecided... What do you guys think??


  1. Ok, I know I have already told you my story, but I was 1 WEEK overdue with Kensi (so this is 1st baby) at 1 week over, I was still 1cm and "a little" effaced. They had me come in at night to start me on CYTOTEK, which I would ask your DR for! (they started me at midnight and said I would deliver at 5 PM the next day, WRONG!!)I literally instantly went into active labor. I was a 2 in 30 min, got my epidural about 45 min after that(I was really wanting to kill myself by that point) and when they checked me 30 min after the epidural, I was 9!!! So even though I had not progressed on my own, just the Cytotek did it for me. I never even got pitocin. It was so easy and completely done in 3 hours and 48 min. She was born at 3:48 AM. Not saying that everyone is like me, and thats how easy yours will be, but ya never know! Plus there are actually more CONS you should consider. If you go over your due date, your placenta actually starts to deteriorate, so the baby isnt getting as much nutrients and stuff that he needs. Also, you have a way higher chance of having a cord accident when you go over, because the placenta isnt at full function, you usually start losing amniotic fluid, and the less there is, the more dangerous!! So that is something to think about too! When I found out about that I actually couldnt believe my DR would let me go over. I personally think that as long as with baby #1 that you are not being induced before your due date, it will be fine. especially if they think he is big! You dont want to make it any harder on yourself!! Plus, you are TINY, so you dont want to be in labor for 8 hours and then they say, oh he isnt going to fit! Good luck! I hope he comes soon and that its an easy breezy beautiful time for you guys!! Let me know what happens!! :) Ive been checking your blog like 5x a day!!!

  2. Oh my goodness!!! Don't you just wish all babies would come 2 weeks early instead of waiting until this point when you have to make a decision? Have they said anything about giving you the magic pill that thins your cervix? Stripping your membranes? Any of that stuff before inducing you?
    I am so worried to get to this point!!! I just want it to happen right in the morning after I have showered and got ready for the day! I sure do wish we could decide when!
    I am praying for you and me that we will get these babies here safe and quickly though! I check on your blog and facebook every morning and night to see what is happening!!!

  3. I was induced four days overdue with Lydia. I was very nervous too because I felt I was forcing her out. But things went very smoothly for me and Lydia. I think I was at a 2 and almost completely effaced to begin with. The pitosin took a few hours to really kick in. But I only felt my contractions for about an hour until they gave me my epidural. As soon as they gave me my epidural my body finally relaxed and I dilated from a four to a ten in about two hours. My epidural somehow wore off for the pushing stage, but fortunately, that only lasted ten minutes and Lydia was here!
    So I had a positive inducing experience is what I am rambling on about! Go with your gut and what you feel is right. You know what you can handle more than anybody else. Good luck with everything!

  4. My first two deliveries progressed naturally, but on my 3rd the doctor said the same thing as you've been told. The baby was measuring really big and he wanted to get her out sooner than later. I was induced 10 days early with Karlee. I had a WONDERFUL experience. I got to take a shower, get my hair done, shave my legs, and have my mom there all BEFORE I went into the hospital. I was induced at 10:30 p.m. on a Sunday night and had Karlee at 7:07p.m. Monday night. It was so relaxing and I got to watch t.v. all day long while I waited. NO PAIN whatsoever...REALLY NICE!!! I only had to "push" twice, about 30 seconds from the moment I started pushing till Karlee came. Okay, enough rambling. Basically, I LOVED being induced and would do it ALL over again hands down!!! Good luck with your decision. I'm sure you'll be happy regardless:)

  5. Your mommie instincts will tell you what to do and you will do the right thing for YOU. And then that wonderful little Ethan Hilsabeck (not to be confused with Boy George :)....haha remember...that could have been his fate!! so glad you got your name changed!!!) will be in your arms and whatever you have done will be worth it. If it were me I'd wait a COUPLE more days to see if you dialate anymore....I'd ask about stripping my membranes and if that didn't work....I'd induce. But that's just me. I'm better when pain takes me by surprise and deal with it as it comes.....Knowing that I'm forcing it to happen makes me nervous and gives me lots of anxiety. But if it's the best thing for your health and the best thing for your baby.....DO IT!!!

  6. You've probably made your decision by this point, and I don't have much to offer since I've never had a child. But...I think the big baby thing & having my mom there would lean me towards being induced! :) You've had lot's of opinions either way...and all of them seem to have turned out the same way...producing beautiful babies. So either way, it'll be over with soon & you'll have your sweet boy! So do what's in your gut!

  7. Wow, that's a tough decision! I would say go ahead with being induced. I feel like if the doctor suggested it, they probably know what they're talking about, and women have babies all the time so I'm sure they will do everything to make sure that you and baby are ok, comfortable and happy. Good luck either way!!!

  8. I am so excited little Ethan will be here so soon! I was induced with Kenley four days late but I was dilated to a 3 and like 70% effaced. I was induced at 8:00am and had Kenley at 7:24pm but I only felt pain for like an hour and the rest of the day I was sleeping and relaxing until I started pushing. My epidural also wore off and that sucked, I don't recommand going natureral! Good luck Shay Shay!!

  9. I was induced 4 days late and had NOTHING going on. No dilating. No effacing. NOTHING. Everything went great. No pain, no worry. Once I started pushing it took 20 minutes. But, you might have already had him by now.. so good luck if you haven't yet, and if you have then can't wait to see pics!
