Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Hilsabeck

Cris and I have been married now for almost 5 months! My oh my how time flys!!
We were married in the Las Vegas NV Temple on Juy 19th, and we couldn't have asked for a more perfect day! The weather was beautiful and it was only 97 degrees out! (That's good for Vegas in July!) Cris and I both took out our endowments together the day before.. it was soo amazing! We absolutely love the Temple and I'm so amazed at all the woderfull blessings we are promised if only we do our part! I'm so thankfull that Cris and I will be together FOREVER! And I know we're only newlyweds but forever just doesn't seem long enough to me!
Cris and I went to Kauai on our honeymoon... what a beautiful place it is! We honestly did nothing but lay out on the beach and swim in the ocean. It was so fun and so relaxing.. I hated the day we left!


  1. YEAAAA...ur a blogger! haha
    I love these pictures!

  2. Wow! Your blog already looks amazing! You are so freakin cute. Las Vegas sounds like SO much fun! :) Welcome to blogging.

  3. Glad to see you have a blog Shayla! You need to show off your fab life in Vegas!

  4. Shayla... welcome to the blog world, it is addicting, so be prepared!

  5. Shayla, your wedding pictures are gorgeous!! I'm seija's friend if you dont remember me!! I'm glad you guys are enjoying married life so much!! its awesome, my husband and I got married in June, and he wants to be a pilot too. I hope its not too lonely!!

  6. oh im so glad you started a blog!!!
