Thursday, April 22, 2010


We just got home from a wonderful trip to Utah. It was so good (and long overdue) to see my family! We always have the best time together and some of them finally got to meet Ethan.
As for Ethan, he is doing great! He is going to be 3 months next week... where did my little baby go?! I knew this would happen, the last month of my pregnancy Cris and I would talk about how excited we were for him to get here and I kept telling Cris how I felt he was growing up too fast and he wasn't even born yet! Well now here we are 3 months later and I honestly don't know how we got to this point. But I've loved every second of it! At E's 2 month check up he was already 13 lbs and 24 in. long.. um can you say HILSABECK?! This kid is huge! My doctor keeps telling me what good milk I must have cuz he is definately NOT starving! lol thanks for the compliment?!
He does so many fun things now:
He rolled over for the first time last week
He has so much to say and is talking all the time
He now laughs at some of the goofy things mommy and daddy do
He can actually play with his toys now. He starts swatting them out of his face and hanging on to them with dear life.
He does this pouty face with his lips when he doesn't like something.. It is the cutest thing! He definately knows how to use those LIPS!
He likes watching TV.. I don't know if this is necessarily a good thing so I've tried only putting on shows with some educational value

So there is just too many cute pictures over the past month to post so I'll just post a few of my favorites. I just can't get enough of this beautiful little boy!!


  1. CUTE! I love that kiddo! I'm glad to hear that your trip was great! (and I'm glad your back)

  2. Yay! I love all the pictures! It has been far to long since I have seen him he is going to forget who I am! Thats so fun that you got to go visit your family!

  3. He is growing up so fast! He is such a cute little guy!! :)

  4. HAHA that doctor comment. Awkward!? I love those pictures. Super cute!

  5. He is so stinking cute!!! I agree about them growing up too fast! This baby time is too short!
