Wednesday, January 6, 2010

37 weeks... sigh

So I'm 37 weeks along and now seeing the doctor once a week. Cris and I went in this morning with hopefull hearts that maybe something would be progressing... Is that bad that I still have 3 weeks to go and I'm hoping to be dialated to a 2 and somewhat effaced? All week I've been trying not to get my hopes up about it, but Cris kept telling me "You're dialated babe, I just know you are!" Ok so now he's the Doctor? How could he possibly even know that!? I wish he wouldn't have said anything because it really got my hopes up! So what happens when we go in today... NOTHING! And to make things worse my Doctor says "Ok so you only have 29 more days to go!" At that very moment I swear all my hormones raged and I wanted to punch him right in the face! I got a little heated when I asked "How could that possibly be when my due date is on the 29th? I know I'm not that good at math but wouldn't that mean I have 23 days left?" Why this bothered me so much I don't know.. It's only a matter of a few days! So he looked at my chart and said "No your due date is Feb. 4th.. is that not the date we discussed?" Me, heated again.. "That was the date in the beginning, but you told me at my last ultrasound that he was measuring bigger so you moved it up to the 29th!" I think he could see me about to burst into tears so he said "Ok we'll change the date to whatever you want!" I must say I felt a little stupid after all said and done, but I get so frustrated everytime I go in there and he acts like he's never seen me before in his life! He's a great Doctor, but I swear the man doesn't know one patient from the next! I feel like I have to remind him of everything that went on just the week before and now is not the time I want to be feeling like that! Did anyone else feel like this with their doctor?? He's a great doctor, just a little scatter brained at times. I know he's going to take good care of me and the baby come delivery, but honestly! I just want to be reassured about everything in this important time in my life. I don't think that's asking to much. Anyways thanks for letting me vent... I feel much better now:) Hopefully week 38 will bring some good news. As for now, I'm going walking 2 times a day and eating all the spicy food I can to get this little guy going:)


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I was dialated to a 1 and "a little" effaced with Kensi for the entire 4 weeks of 1 week appts. He actually mad me go over my due date by 1 week. I was so mad at the time and seriously cried when he told me I had to go over!! By the way, I would NOT have one stretch mark if he would have induced me on my due date!!! But it was really worth the wait, because she was born in 3 hours and 48 min!! So if you body is not ready, you just have to deal with it! I know it sucks, especially with your first, and when you arent working the days DRAGGGG!!!! Just try to keep busy, and all of the things they tell you to do to go into labor DID NOT WORK!!! BUT, I did read something recently that I found interesting, it was about breastfeeding, they said if you start pumping before you have the baby it will make you go into labor!! So if you have a pump, get on it!!! Good Luck!!! It will be over before you know it! And youll be blogging that he is 1 month old already!! :) Miss you girl!!

  2. Thats it! I'm comin over with chocolate!!!!

  3. don't worry he'll be here before you know it, isn't the wait horrible :) good luck with everything!

  4. I feel for you. I remember feeling SO FREAKIN IMPATIENT!!! I was dilated to a 1 and effaced 75% with 6 weeks to go and my doctor told me I would most likely go early well guess who had to be induced 2 days AFTER her due date!?!? I swear every time I went to my doctor appointment and nothing had changed I got more and more frustrated. My doctor was amazing but I wanted to do some serious damage everytime she told me nothing had changed. Those dang pregnant hormones!!! Plus I was suppose to get induced on my due date but they were too busy so I got "bumped" (and I cried like crazy), and then I was suppose to get induced the next day but they had staffing issues (and I cried even harder) and then finally they had me come in. Lets just say that when you are are in your last month you will do ANYTHING to have that baby (I went walking one morning from 6 AM to 8:30 AM trying to get her to come) and it feels like its taking forever and your baby is never going to come... But I promise it will happen. Before you know it your baby will be 6 months old.... Good luck!!! Everything will be great!

  5. Oh my gosh. You poor thing. I felt that same way!!! Hang in there!!! Plan on the baby being overdue so you can have a nice surprise when he's not!!! Claire was 4 days overdue and I was desperate to have her. Just don't try Castor Oil!!! It's the worst thing in the whole world! I'm sorry. The last month is the hardest. Good thing you have such a great Hubby!

  6. Oh Shay that is so frustrating. I totally get how you would get heated. You want to feel like he remembers you and that your on the same page. Hang in there :) it will all be so worth it.

  7. Shayla!!! This was hilarious to me because I feel the exact same right now!!! If they move my date one more time I am going to burn the doctor office down! I can't wait for you to have Ethan, that means I can have Bo once you have your little guy! Don't lose hope. I will pray for you and me to get dialated and effaced fast. Keep us all posted!

  8. 4 days over seems to be the trend..I was 4 days and it felt like 4 weeks. Sorry Shayla! It is so frustrating. You forget about it all when they come though. It is awesome! Good luck :)
