Thursday, December 11, 2008


So Cris and I had quite the night tonight! We went to Meadows mall (or what we like to call "Ghettos mall" you'll soon know why..) to do some Christmas shopping. As we are walking out to our car this SUV with 3 thugs pull up. .As we walk by, one of the guys starts cat calling me and saying "Hey mommy!"(But ya know how they say it all ghetto..) UM HELLO?! I was with my husband who, if you haven't met him, is 6'4 and 225 lbs! WHO DOES THAT!?
So this infuriates Cris (and if you know him, it's a pretty scary sight! ha) So he starts chewing this guy out and the guy starts calling him on! Cris is 3 times this guys size! So I start pulling Cris away but I thought for sure these guys were gonna jump us or worse, pull out a gun!
So now Cris is convinced that nowhere is safe and that he needs to carry his gun with him everywhere... better yet, he's set on me getting my CCW so I can carry a gun everywhere!
Wow, Merry Christmas to me!


  1. thats what happens when you are cute! hey my dad teaches that class!

  2. hahaha Gotta love Hilti, oh dont worry we will be getting it together because Dave wants me to have mine too!! Maybe we could convince them to get us pink guns!!

  3. Shayla!!!

    I miss you so much! When will you be in SLC so I can see you! I am so glad that you blog! You look so happy and beautiful. Email me at

  4. Wow! It's been a long time! No worries, I'll probably be getting my CCW before long too. I'm doing pretty well staying pretty busy with school and coaching volleyball. How are you doing? What all are you up to? You and your hubby are adorable!

  5. hoe ghetto and scary! i'm so glad u were with cris! chad and i want to take the class so we can all do it together!!!!

  6. Shayla!! I am so glad I found your blog. Congrats on the wedding. You and your husband are so cute!

  7. HAHA Oh. My. Gosh! What is wrong with people?? Totally freaky, but kind of a cute protective story at the same time :D
